I have exciting news!!!

You all have been asking for it and we now officially have a referral program in place so you can spread the AHP love and earn $$ doing it! You all have no idea how much it means to me when you tell your friends about how A Healthy Passion has helped save you time or how delicious the meals are and now I am so happy to be able to reward you for helping my business grow.

Here’s how it works:

You have to have an AHP account (it doesn’t have to be upgraded – although I hope it is;))

You’ll click “user” and then under your account settings, you’ll see a button that says refer a friend.

Click that.

You’ll see a referral link at the bottom of the page that’s unique to YOU! Copy that and share away. There are also social buttons so you can post to facebook + twitter. OH and even better is that when you share your link with a friend they’ll save $20 off a yearly plan and you’ll get $10 cash. Win-win!

When your friends join with a yearly plan our software will track it and each month I will do payouts via pay pal. It’s that simple.

So if you could do me a hugeeee favor and think of 10 friends you know could use a little help when it comes to meal planning, cooking or what to eat to stay on track with a healthy lifestyle and send them a message with your link that would make my day. 

I’ve been working nonstop to continue to upgrade the software and make it the ultimate healthy meal planner tool and the more we grow the more I can continue to invest in making it the even better.

So go copy that link and share away 🙂

And I do want to say from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU for making AHP everything that it is today – I love getting to share my passion with you and hopefully am helping to make your life a little happier + healthier!

Happy Cooking


PS… Here’s what’s new this week:

AHP 625 Tempeh Stuffed Peppers with Avocado Crema

AHP 624 Oatmeal Cookie Overnight Oats

AHP 623 Cabbage and Rice Bowl with Egg