It’s that time of year. Kids are out of school, summer is in full swing and most of us have at least one if not more trips on the horizon. And while vacation is meant to be enjoyed there are a few strategies you can implement into your next trip to help you stay on track and avoid that dreaded vacation weight gain. So today I’m sharing 5 habits to implement while on your next trip so you can come home feeling as good or better than when you left.

Habit #1 

Focus on eating well 3/4 of the day. If you can start your day off with a healthy breakfast and stick to getting lean protein and lots of veggies in for lunch then dinner doesn’t have to be stressful. Enjoy a glass or two of wine and bread from the bread basket or a few bites of that fried calamari if you really want it. The key with vacation is to focus on doing the very best you can and indulging with a purpose – guilt free! Here’s what a sample day may look like for me.

Breakfast – usually late morning: steel cut or overnight oats with fresh fruit and a little nut butter

Snack – protein shake with some chia seeds and almond milk

Lunch – leafy greens salad with lots of fresh veggies (cucumber, bell pepper) with hummus, avocado, some sort of lean protein (turkey, tuna, rotisserie chicken) and a little quinoa or some sprouted bread for healthy carbs. I also love to prep things like quinoa kale salad, marinated lentil, and chickpea salad, and balela salad to have on hand for quick and healthy lunch additions.

Dinner – I focus on veggies + protein and healthy carbs when possible (rice, sweet potato) and then from there I have what I want (maybe it’s fresh pasta, bread, a steak, a cocktail or even a few bites of dessert). I savor and move on.


Habit #2 

Stay Active. I may not hit the gym while on vacation but I sure do make an effort to get plenty of movement in from biking, to walking on the beach and even doing some yoga or a workout with my bands I make an effort to get some sort of movement in daily. I try to at least do a TRIM HIIT workout 1-2 days to really get that heart rate up but besides that, I stick to consistent movement daily!


Habit #3 

Intermittent Fasting. While I practice a 16 hour fast most days of the week at home when I travel I try to stick as closely to that schedule as I can. While I shoot for the 16 hours I fast for a minimum of 12 hours to make sure my body has a chance to fully digest the food from the day before. Intermittent fasting not only keeps me from the late night snacking but it also regulates hormones and blood sugars which help to keep me from overeating or eating when I’m really not hungry.  Also, intermittent fasting increases your metabolic rate, fat burning, and digestion which are especially helpful when you’re away from your normal lifestyle.


Habit #4 

Drink Plenty of Water. This is one of the simplest habits we can possibly stick to but unfortunately, most of us drink half if not less of the water we need while traveling. Maybe it’s because we’re busy or maybe it’s because we’re out of our routine but adding in plenty of water not only keeps our metabolisms functioning optimally but also will help to flush out toxins from the indulgences you’ll probably experience. At the very least shoot for half your body weight in ounces but literally chug the H2o to prevent bloating, inflammation and water retention.


Habit #5 

Sleep. This is another one that should be simple but more often than not we get less sleep than normal while on vacation. Sleep not only helps boost the immune system but it’s also essential for boosting metabolism. When you don’t get enough sleep, your body overproduces the hunger causing hormones leptin and ghrelin. So make it your goal while on vaca to sleep in and help your body stay on track to prevent weight gain!

So there ya have it! Our 5 tips for avoiding vacation weight gain. If you have any other tips – share them below!!

Need help with what to eat when you get home from vacation to get back on track. A Healthy Passion has you covered. With 700+ macro friendly recipes you’ll learn what to eat + when to eat it to reach those goals. Download our free guide to get started.